To create your account at MyMallBox, please follow the following steps:
1. Navigate to our official website.
2. Locate and click the “Sign Up” button.
3. You’ll be directed to our secure registration form. Here, you’ll be prompted to provide your personal information.
4. As part of our verification process, you’ll receive an email containing a unique verification code.
5. Access your email inbox and locate the verification email from our system.
6. Return to the registration form and enter the provided verification code in the designated “Code” field.
7. Complete any remaining fields and submit the form.
8. Enter your shipping address (of your own country). If your billing address matches your shipping address, leave the “Billing address is different to shipping address” option unchecked.
9. Optional: Select the “I want to subscribe to the Premium plan” checkbox to upgrade your account to Premium membership.
10. Review your information carefully:
- If all details are correct, click “Submit” to finalize your account creation.
- To modify any information, select “Edit” to return to the previous steps.
11. Upon successful submission, your account will be created and activated.
Upon successful completion of these steps, your account will be instantly activated, and your assigned U.S. address will be immediately available for use.
Please note: Ensuring the accuracy of your provided information is crucial for a smooth registration process. If you encounter any issues during account creation, our dedicated support team is available to assist you.